
2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

How to survive in Turkey?

Hey you!  Probably you didn't google it this way but you can find any info about Turkey. Turkey is not a country which you try to survive at. But as mostly known "dangerous" country is not that. You can do everything here but be in danger.      You probably want to visit Istanbul first. By the way it's not the capital city. Istanbul is maybe a good start to visit Turkey these days. Because there are too many foreign people which come from Syria. They try to find somewhere to stay . There is chaos in there.      You must visit the west part of Turkey first. Coasts are so close to Greek islands. Izmir, Mu ğ la, Antalya, Ç anakkale are the cities must be seen. There are fun , amazing coasts, wonderful islands and more. There are too many students out there which means make these cities funnier and livable.       Have you heard about Cappadocia? Yes we have it and it's all real!   You can find very very very l...